The Tennessee truck accident attorneys with Penn Kestner & McEwen are ready to deliver the aggressive legal representation you need if you’ve suffered an injury due to another’s negligence. Our firm is ready to take on the huge insurance corporation that will do everything possible to deny your compensation. Our firm’s track record speaks for itself – you won’t find another team of lawyers who will work harder on your behalf.

We’ll be standing by if you’re planning to file a truck accident lawsuit against those responsible for your pain and financial losses. We have a group of attorneys with years of experience in cases like yours, and we’ve won millions of dollars for our clients. While we won’t promise you’ll make a certain amount of money, we will guarantee we’ll do everything we can to help you get every dollar you deserve.

Please call (800) 732-3070 or use our online contact form to schedule a free review of your case.

Tennessee Truck Accident Attorneys - The Trucking Lawyers Penn Kestner McEwen

Tennessee Truck Accident Statistics

There were 12,221 commercial truck accidents on Tennessee roads in 2020 that led to 195 fatalities. One of every three accidents involving a large truck occurred on an interstate highway, and truck driver fatigue was the most prevalent factor.

State Trucking Regulations

Since fatigue is dangerous – not only to the people operating big rigs but also to all other motorists on the road – Tennessee legislators have taken steps to reduce that risk.

Truck drivers in Tennessee must keep logs of their service time for the past week and have a health card certifying they’ve met minimum physical qualifications. Drivers can’t remain behind the wheel for 60 hours over seven consecutive days or 70 hours over eight consecutive days.

Causes of Truck Accidents in Tennessee

While driver fatigue is one of the main culprits behind truck accidents, there are several other reasons why they occur far too often. Here are some examples.

  • Unsecured cargo. Some wrecks occur due to factors beyond the driver’s control. Cargo can come loose inside the trailer, causing a sudden shift in balance and making it impossible to keep the truck moving in a straight line.
  • Driving too fast. Since truckers have to meet strict – and often unreasonable – deadlines, they’ll often speed. They won’t be able to react as quickly to changes in road conditions, increasing the chances of an accident.
  • Negligent maintenance. Trucking companies often neglect essential maintenance to increase profits as much as possible. They’ll often fail to check a truck’s brakes or overlook problems such as severely worn tires.

Types of Injuries Caused by Large Truck Crashes

When someone suffers a severe injury in a truck accident, they’ll typically face years of grueling physical therapy, surgical procedures, and other forms of treatment. There are no guarantees they’ll ever get back to normal.

These are just a few catastrophic injuries that truck accidents can cause.

  • TBI (traumatic brain injury). Truck accidents subject passenger car occupants to powerful forces, which can cause their heads to slam into dashboards, steering wheels and windshields. The impact can destroy brain tissue to the point that victims will no longer be able to care for themselves.
  • Deep lacerations. Flying glass and pieces of metal can tear through skin, muscles and tissues, leading to a risk of death if the wounds aren’t treated as quickly as possible.
  • Spinal cord damage. The impact of a truck accident can be so severe that it causes significant spinal cord damage, leading to permanent paralysis.

Rollovers, Underride Accidents, and Other Types of Truck Accidents

There are more kinds of truck accidents than most people think. The following are just a few examples.

  • Rollover accident. The sudden shift in balance due to loose cargo mentioned above can cause a truck to roll onto its side, destroying anything in its path. Truckers who are tired or impaired due to alcohol or drug use will often cause a rollover by trying to make a turn too quickly.
  • Underride accident. A passenger car can strike the back of a truck that must suddenly stop. Underride accidents typically lead to the top of the car being sliced off, instantly killing anyone inside. Federal law requires trucks to have underride guards to prevent this type of wreck. But there are still thousands of trucks on the road without them.
  • Override accident. The opposite of an underride accident, an override accident occurs when the passenger car has to stop, and the truck rolls over the top of the vehicle. Overrides often occur because a trucking company fails to maintain a rig’s brakes, making it impossible for the driver to avoid catastrophe.

Potential Liable Parties

There could be several parties that contributed to a truck accident. The driver, for instance, may have been impaired or fallen asleep because they were exhausted. As noted above, the trucking company could be liable because it failed to maintain the truck. The manufacturer could be liable if the brakes, tires, or some other component failed because it was defective.

Factors that Determine the Worth of Your Case

It’s not uncommon for the insurance policies that cover trucks to be worth as much as $2 million – or even more. These policies are so expensive because truck accidents typically result in severe injuries, and the worse the injury, the more the victim will likely receive.

That doesn’t mean you’ll automatically obtain significant compensation, however. Insurers will fight aggressively to protect their policies and employ high-priced professionals, and you’ll need an attorney with just as much skill.

Contact Penn Kestner and McEwen ASAP to Discuss Your Truck Accident Claim

That’s just what you’ll get when you turn to Penn Kestner & McEwen. We have the tenacity and resources to go up against the most formidable opposition. Our attorneys will investigate the accident thoroughly, uncovering the solid evidence needed to prove you deserve maximum compensation.

Don’t hesitate to contact our firm online or call (800) 732-3070 to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you, and to help you get the full and fair compensation you deserve.