Researchers have found that truck driver fatigue contributes to a number of accidents on today’s roadways. Currently, however, there are no clear answers regarding how to reduce accidents like these. The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine recently put out a report at the request of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. In the report, they recommend doing further research and gathering more data to develop a better understanding of the relationship between truck driver fatigue and safety.
Why does this information matter? Out of the 4,000 bus or truck-related deaths that were studied, between 10 and 20% of the accidents were caused by truck driver fatigue. These statistics are drawn from the report mentioned above.
Today, new policies have been enacted limiting the number of hours that truck drivers and bus drivers can stay on the road before taking a break. These limits are designed to ensure that they get enough rest before beginning their next driving shift. When drivers are well-rested, they are more alert behind the wheel.
Researchers found that most bus and truck drivers are exposed to a lot of different types of stress. This not only includes financial issues but also variations in their schedules. Along with failing to get an adequate amount of sleep, drivers also are more likely to experience other chronic health problems. Some of the most common issues include diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health problems associated with obesity.
Truck drivers face a lot of pressure to meet their deadlines, regardless of the circumstances. The issue that needs to be considered, however, is whether the money earned from making these deliveries is worth sacrificing the health and well-being of the drivers. The health problems and fatigue resulting from pushing drivers too hard can pose a serious risk to drivers of other vehicles, pedestrians, and anyone else on the roadways.
The study advises the FMCSA to fund research into the underlying causes of fatigue and sleep deprivation in truck drivers. Data gathered through research like this could prove valuable in determining the reasons why drivers stay behind the wheel even when they are feeling extremely fatigued.
Reach Out To A Lawyer
Here at Penn Kestner & Mcewen, we prioritize the needs of our clients, giving every case we handle our personal attention. If you are a truck driver and are interested in hiring an attorney who gives you the attention you deserve and who is willing to go above and beyond to help you with your case, look no further. Our lawyers will use every resource at their disposal to ensure that you get the best possible outcome. Give us a call today at 855-396–3926 to set up your initial consultation for free.