Truck accidents can be some of the most devastating on our roads in Connecticut. With their large size and weight, trucks can cause catastrophic damage to other vehicles and their occupants. If you’ve suffered a severe injury in a truck accident, it’s essential that you speak with an experienced Connecticut truck accident lawyer as soon as possible.

A Penn Kestner & McEwen attorney is standing by to fight for your rights. We know how to take on major insurance and trucking companies and defeat them regularly. You can contact us online or call (800) 732-3070 for a free consultation.

Truck Accident Statistics in Connecticut

Truck accidents can be particularly dangerous on Connecticut’s highways, where heavy truck traffic is common. According to the University of Connecticut Crash Data Repository, heavy truck accidents resulted in 172 severe injuries and 64 fatalities in 2022.

Trucking Regulations Specific to Connecticut

Connecticut has its own set of regulations that govern commercial trucks operating within the state. These regulations cover driver qualifications, vehicle maintenance, cargo securement, and hours of service. It would be best if you worked with a Connecticut truck accident lawyer who is familiar with these regulations and can help you navigate them in your case.

The Difference Between Truck and Car Accidents

Truck accidents are different from car accidents in several ways. For one, trucks’ sheer size and weight make them much more dangerous than cars. Trucks are also subject to different regulations and standards than cars, which means that different rules may apply regarding liability and damages. Additionally, truck accidents can involve multiple parties, such as the truck driver, the trucking company, and the truck manufacturer or components.

Causes of Truck Accidents

There are a lot of reasons truck accidents happen. Some of the most common causes include the following:

  • Driver error: Examples of driver mistakes can include distracted driving, speeding, and driving under the influence.
  • Equipment failure: Trucks have many complex systems and components that can fail, such as brakes, tires, and steering mechanisms.
  • Negligently loaded cargo: This can affect the truck’s handling and stability, potentially causing an accident.
  • Poor road conditions: Connecticut’s roads can be challenging, particularly in winter weather conditions. Poorly maintained roads can contribute to accidents.
  • Driver fatigue: Truck drivers are subject to hours of service regulations, but some may still drive while fatigued, which can impair their judgment and reaction times.

Potential Liable Parties

Trying to determine who’s liable for a truck accident is very complicated because multiple parties may be at fault. Some potentially liable parties in a truck accident case include:

  • The truck driver: If the driver was negligent in their driving or violated regulations, they may be held liable for the accident.
  • The trucking company: If the company was negligent in its hiring practices, vehicle maintenance, or supervision of the driver, it might be held liable.
  • The manufacturer of the truck or its components: If a defect in the truck or its components contributed to the accident, the manufacturer could face liability.
  • Other drivers or entities: If another driver on the road contributed to the accident, they might be held liable, as may entities responsible for road maintenance or construction.

Common Injuries Associated with Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can cause a range of injuries, from minor to severe. These are just a few of the injuries most commonly associated with truck accidents:

  • Broken bones: The force of a truck impact can easily break bones in the body.
  • Spinal cord injuries: These can be particularly devastating and may result in paralysis.
  • Traumatic brain injuries: The impact of a truck accident can cause traumatic brain injuries when drivers or passengers strike their heads on a hard surface.
  • Internal injuries: These can include injuries to organs such as the lungs, liver, or spleen.
  • Whiplash: This is a common injury in car accidents and can also occur in truck accidents.
  • Burns: If a truck catches fire in an accident, occupants can suffer severe burns.
  • Psychological trauma: Being involved in a truck accident can be traumatic, and some victims may experience anxiety, depression, or other forms of severe emotional and mental trauma.

Damages You Can Recover

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, you may be entitled to recover damages for your losses. These can include:

  • Medical expenses: These include the cost of hospitalization, surgery, medication, and other medical treatments related to your injuries.
  • Lost wages: If your injuries prevent you from working, you may be able to recover lost wages and income.
  • Property damage: If your vehicle or other property was damaged in the accident, you could recover the cost of repairs or replacement.
  • Pain and suffering: This includes compensation for the physical and emotional pain you’ve experienced due to the accident.
  • Punitive damages: There are some rare instances where a truck accident victim may be able to recover punitive damages. Juries sometimes award these damages to punish the responsible party for egregious conduct. Again, however, you need to remember that this rarely happens.

Speak to an Experienced Connecticut Truck Accident Lawyer

If you or someone close to you has suffered a severe injury in a truck accident that was someone else’s fault, talk to a skilled truck accident lawyer. Your lawyer can help you navigate the legal system, determine liability and recover the damages you’re entitled to. They can also help you negotiate with insurance companies and represent you in court if necessary.

When choosing a Connecticut truck accident lawyer, look for someone with experience in these types of cases and a track record of success. You’ll also want to choose a lawyer who communicates well with you and makes you feel comfortable throughout the process.

At Penn Kestner & McEwen, we check these and many other boxes. You’ll always be able to count on us to provide the aggressive, skilled representation it will take to help you obtain maximum compensation. You can give us a call at (800) 732-3070 to schedule a free case evaluation, or you can use our online contact form.